The Village of Cridersville prides itself on providing valuable municipal services to all sectors of our community. The village continuously seeks ways to enhance our local utility services.
Presently, the Village provides water and sewer services as well as providing excellent streets to local residents and businesses. Local customers have options for cable, internet, refuse services, telephone, electric, and natural gas services.
Paperless Billing:
e-mail: cvillews@bright.net to request your utility bill to be e-mailed to you (No fees). Your bill will then be e-mailed to address which request comes from.
E-mail will also have a link to click to view your account history and pay your bill (fee $3.95 and up).
Bank Draft Payments:
We also now offer ACH auto draft payments. For those interested, please complete the ACH form with voided check and submit to the Utilities Office located in the Village Hall. Your bill will be marked at the bottom PAID BY DRAFT (No fees).
View Your Account:
View your account history at: https:cridersville.ohiobillpay.com
You will need your account number and a PIN number. Your PIN number will be given to you by contacting our office at 419-645-4883.