Annual Events
Community Easter Egg Celebration
If it's spring, that means were ready for the Easter Egg Celebration that includes crafts, games, a giant egg hunt, and photos with the Easter Bunny.
Ham and Bean Dinner
The Historical Society's annual Ham and Bean Dinner in September at the 1836 Bowsher Log House on E. Main Street - is a real pioneer meal cooked in a giant kettle over an open fire. Plus, there's time to tour the log house museum.
Beef and Noodle Dinner
The Historical Society's annual Beef and Noodle Dinner is in April.
Firemen's Jamboree
Cridersville loves a good party. Our biggest celebration every July is the Firemen's Jamboree - a weekend of great food, big fun and good friends. There's Uncle Louie's famous bar-b-que chicken, the classic car show, big band music and the grand parade down Main Street. The Jamboree, a fund raiser for our local volunteer fire department, is also a home coming event that brings friends and family back to Cridersville every summer.
Mum and Scarecrow Sale
The Mum and Scarecrow sale in September is sponsored by the Garden Club at the Village Hall.
Halloween Parade and Festival
We celebrate the fall season at the annual Halloween Parade and Festival, during the last week of October. Dozens of floats and hundreds of kids once again parade down Main Street in their scariest attire, and end up at the Firehouse for the big costume contest. A tradition for more than 25 years, the Halloween festival is sponsored by our local business community.
Community Christmas
Christmas time in Cridersville is full of many activities, such as Breakfast with Santa sponsored by the Lions Club, Annual Christmas on Main Street, where you can celebrate the holidays in your home town with business open houses, a Train and Village Display at the Museum, Annual Snowman and Fudge Sale by the Community Garden Club, and Meet and Greet with Lenny the Christmas Mouse sponsored by the Lions Club.
Life in a small town is filled with church dinners, Boy Scout breakfasts, and school carnivals. We have concerts and guest speakers at our retirement facilities and dances at the school gymnasium. Anyone who says small towns have nothing to do has never been to Cridersville. We fill our months with wholesome, family events and activities. We invite you to join in the fun and experience small town America at it's very best.