Volunteer Fireman's Jamboree

Firemen's Jamboree 2024
Come join us for the 59th Cridersville Fireman's Jamboree to be held on July 12th and 13th 2024. Checkout our Facebook page and this page for updates. Come join us for our "Small Town Hospitality and Family fun." We welcome you back this year. Something for Everyone.
Sincerely Yours in Safety,
Rick Miller/Fire Chief
Check us out on Facebook:
Jamboree Highlights

Thursday July 11, 2024:
- 5K RUN/Walk is back this year. The GLOW Run is Thursday, with Reg. 7:00 and Run at 8:00 Sign up on our Facebook page.
Friday July 12, 2024
- National Anthem Opening Ceremony 6:00
- Car Show. Judging begins at 6:00. Registration starts at 4:00.
- Midway opens at 6:00. with food, Inflatables, & games
- "Family Fun Area" on Westside of station. Opens at 6:00. Live DJ.
- 1944 Reenactment Camp Out (Legacy Park)
- Inflatables for the kids. One price for Friday 6:00
- Bingo starts at 7:00 (In Station)
- Open Highway Blue Grass (Front of Station)
- Free Kids Bike Drawing 6:30 in front of Station
- Extreme Team 8:00 in the Gospel Tent (Village Hall)
- LIVE Band in the Entertainment Tent HAYWIRED 8:00 to.11:00 (Entertainment Tent)
Saturday July 13, 2024:
- Uncle Louie's (HA) BBQ Chicken Dinners at Noon.
- Food Tent opens at Noon
- Midway Opens after Parade.
- Grand Parade down Main St. at 1:00.
- Blessing of the Badges (In front of the Firehouse after the Parade) Fire,EMS Law Enforcement and Dispatchers. After the Parade.
- Motorcycle Show Reg.3:00 Judging starts at 4:00. Awards 7:00
- Magician Mike Hemmelgarn 3:30 Strolling Magic.
- 1944 Reenactment Tower Park
- Entertainment Tent opens at 3:00. (Behind Building)
- Live Entertainment 3:00-6:00 Entertainment Tent.
- Inflatables for the kids, one price all day Saturday. (After the Parade.)
- Magician Mike Hemmelgarn 5:00 Family Fun tent
- Mark's Ark Animal Show 6:00 Family Fun Tent
- Free Kids Bike Drawing 6:30 (Front of Station.)
- Worship Anyway 7:00 on Main St.
- Games of chance 3:00-11:00
- Special Bingo starts at 5:00.Special prizes to be given away. Regular Bingo at 7:00. (in Station)
- LIVE Band BROTHER Believe Me 8:00. to 11:00.(Entertainment Tent)
- Grand Prize Drawing at 11:15 p.m. (Front of Station)